For a full list of publications from the Springer lab please visit Google Scholar.
Genetic and epigenetic variation in transposable element expression responses to abiotic stress in maize
Liang et al. 2021. Plant physiology.
Stable unmethylated DNA demarcates expressed genes and their cis-regulatory space in plant genomes
Crisp et al. 2020. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Meta Gene Regulatory Networks in Maize Highlight Functionally Relevant Regulatory Interactions
Zhou et al. 2020. Plant Cell.
Variation and Inheritance of Small RNAs in Maize Inbreds and F1 Hybrids
Crisp et al. 2019. Plant Physiology.
Monitoring the interplay between transposable element families and DNA methylation in maize
Noshay et al. 2019. PLoS Genetics
Challenges of Translating Gene Regulatory Information into Agronomic Improvements
Springer et al. 2019. Trends in Plant Science.
Dynamic patterns of transcript abundance of transposable element families in maize
Anderson et al. 2019. G3.
Opportunities to Use DNA Methylation to Distil Functional Elements in Large Crop Genomes
Crisp et al. 2019. Molecular Plant.
Transposable elements contribute to dynamic genome content in maize
Anderson et al. 2019. The Plant Journal.
Classifying coldā€stress responses of inbred maize seedlings using RGB imaging
Enders et al. 2019. Plant Direct.
Dynamic Patterns of Gene Expression Additivity and Regulatory Variation throughout Maize Development
Zhou et al. 2018. Molecular Plant.
The maize W22 genome provides a foundation for functional genomics and transposon biology
Springer et al. 2018. Nature Genetics.
Potential roles for transposable elements in creating imprinted expression
Anderson and Springer 2018. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development.
Subtle Perturbations of the Maize Methylome Reveal Genes and Transposons Silenced by Chromomethylase or RNA-Directed DNA Methylation Pathways
Anderson et al. 2018. G3.
Heritable Epigenomic Changes to the Maize Methylome Resulting from Tissue Culture
Han et al 2018. Genetics
Natural variation for gene expression responses to abiotic stress in maize
Waters et al. 2017. Plant Journal.
RNA-directed DNA methylation enforces boundaries between heterochromatin and euchromatin in the maize genome
Li et al. 2015. PNAS.
Genomic limitations to RNA sequencing expression profiling
Hirsch et al. 2015. Plant Journal.
Genetic Perturbation of the Maize Methylome
Li et al. 2014. Plant Cell.
The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics
Schnable et al. 2009. Science.