
Each team member has a Markdown file in people/_posts/. File names are join date followed by first and last name, like YAML follows:

layout: member
title: Nathan Springer
position: Principal Investigator
handle: springer
twitter: springernathan
scholar: 11RguYAAAAAJ
image: /images/people/nathan-springer.jpg
cv: /pdfs/people/nathan-springer-cv.pdf

More markdown content goes here.

Tags layout, title, position, handle, image are required, while twitter, github, cv, orcid, google scholar, linkedin, calendar are optional. The image should be a square image (300x300 or 400x400, etc.). All member images and PDFs should be placed in images/people/ and pdfs/people/ respectively.

After the topper matter, one can write more description content using the Markdown syntax. For more information check the Markdown style guide.


Each news post is a Markdown file in news/_posts/. File names have post date and a short title. The short title is used for permanent URL links, so must be unique to each blog post. For example: Posts have the following YAML top matter:

layout: post
title: New lab website up
author: Peng Zhou

News content goes here.

Tags layout, title and author are required, while image is optional. The author name should correspond to the team member title tag for proper linking of posts to authors. All news images should live in images/news/ and be referred as relative to the base directory, begining with /images/.


Each paper lives in publications/_posts/. File names, used to construct permalinks, are first author plus short (1-2 word) title, for example Papers have the following YAML metadata:

layout: publication
title: "The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics"
image: /images/publications/Schnable2009.gif
authors: Schnable PS, Ware D, Fulton RS.
year: 2009
ref: Schnable et al. 2009. Science.
journal: Science
pdf: /pdfs/publication/Schnable2009.pdf
doi: 10.1126/science.1178534

# Abstract

More content goes here.

Tags layout, title, image, authors, year, ref, journal are required. Tags pdf, supplement, github are optional. The image should be a square image. All paper images and PDFs should reside in images/publications/ and pdfs/publications/ respectively.


Each project has a Markdown file in projects/_posts/. File names are join date followed by first and last name, like YAML follows:

layout: post
title: Epigenomic project
description: Maize Epigenomic Variation Project
author: Nathan Springer
image: /images/projects/epigenomic-variation.jpg

**Aim 1. Discover epialleles in maize**. 

**Aim 2. Determine the causes and assess the stability of maize epialleles**. 

Tags layout, title, author are required, while description, link, cv, image are optional. The image should be a square image file. All project images and PDFs should be placed in images/projects/ and pdfs/projects/ respectively.


To add, change or delete the protocols in the protocol page:

To add, change or delete the photos appearing in the homepage carousel:

To add or update photos to the photo gallery, simple upload photos to images/photos